First Steps to Change

Episode #2

Is it time for a change in your life? 

Brendon and Diva talk about creating change with the tools of Access Consciousness. 

Listen to learn some of the basic tools and questions for you to see what’s true for you and what you’d like to change in your life. 

On today’s podcast:

  • Asking questions rather than going to conclusion
  • Discovering what’s true for you
  • What if it was okay to be different?
  • What have you defined you as?
  • Getting out of judgement
  • The beauty of choice


Asking questions rather than going to conclusion

The really cool thing about Access is there are so many different tools and different questions that it’s impossible to ever get bored. 

One of the key tools of Access, for Diva Diaz, is just to start by asking a question for everything rather than concluding what something is or deciding your life is a failure or that you’re doing badly in some area of your life.

Starting to function from asking a question instead opens up so many possibilities. But asking questions isn’t about finding the answer. It’s about allowing awareness to come from the question. 

It’s difficult when we’re taught to seek out answers rather than awareness, but the key is getting out of your head and to start trusting that the awareness will come based on what you’re willing to ask to change.